Monday, November 21, 2011

Just humans

By now, you will have probably heard me say the following phrase many times: We are just humans. I want you to understand what I mean when I say this and why I remind it to myself so often. As you grow up, you will come across many, many, many situations that require you to ask for someone else’s assistance, favor, partnership, etc. The quicker you learn to visualize people as “just humans,” the easier it will be to approach others to network and make friends.

The press, mainly the entertainment world, and the way they talk about people sometimes make us forget this. Wealth, possessions, even fashion preferences can sometimes intimidate us from being able to talk to other people with courage, as if they were something “special” because of those things. Aren’t we all just people trying to do the best we can with our lives?

Sometimes we take others and ourselves too seriously. In the end, we all leave the world empty-handed. When you need to make an important phone call, have an interview, an opportunity that requires you to win the favor of someone else, be brave! Do not let appearances, titles and reputations scare you from trying. Even the president is just human. We all need to eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. We all have parents; we all seek love and approval. We are all just a speck in a speck in this vast universe. Remember that God is with you, so don’t be afraid, be bold, but be humble, and never feel less than others. You can do it, we are all just humans.

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