Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I just got back from an audition that reminded me of a tough lesson I need to keep learning: it's all about our attitudes. I keep thinking about how my audition should have gone differently and conclude that the main problem was my pessimistic attitude! Instead of having a positive mindset, I immediately told a friend present how much I "hated" these type of cattle-call auditions. Bam! Negative. Had I opted for another approach at the situation, I'm sure I would have been happier with my performance.

It's no use driving myself crazy over this now either, but I want to take this opportunity to talk to you about our attitudes, even in the seemingly less-essential things in life. Paul wrote that a perfect man is capable of refraining his tongue... and that goes even deeper, down into your heart and mind, before it heads out your lips. This learning to refrain and control our thoughts takes practice and going through experiences like the one I had today.

Face life with a positive attitude!
My desire is to be the type of person that infuses others with positive energy, especially my children. I want you to learn to visualize what you want your experiences to be like and then strive to make that idea a reality. For example, I could have thought to myself: "There are many people here (at the audition), but what is the client looking for? What does that look like in my audition? Is it a lot of smiling, energy, excitement?" As I do this, I see myself playing the part, and I start smiling. My confidence is boosted and I'm ready to roll. When the first thing I do is complain, I can only spiral down because I immediately undermine my efforts and boycott myself.

Whatever the situation, always try to keep a positive attitude. Don't make excuses for your behavior, the only place an excuse can take you is backwards. Accept responsibility for what you can control and decide to have a winning attitude. So, I'm going to rock my next audition tomorrow!

...the only place an excuse can take you is backwards.

Update a few days later (March 3)
I got the part! My attitude during the second audition was so different, I have no doubt it was key in getting booked. Stay positive, stay focused, go for it!

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